You’re probably wondering about the free donut. Well, I sent a physical copy of our prayer letter by mail to each of the churches in which we have presented our ministry. If you look closely at this update and the letter we sent to your church you will notice 4 differences in the body of the physical letter and this update. If you send an email or private Facebook message and tell me what those differences are, we will send you a $5 gift card to Dunkin Donuts so you can enjoy a cup of coffee or donut on us, Boston style. This is a way to thank those of you who pray for us regularly (also to help me to remember to check for typos next time). A cup of coffee doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of the debt we owe you for your continued prayers and support but I’m sure it helps. So thank you and happy searching:
It has been a while since our last update. We are so excited about what the Lord has been doing and how He has been providing over the last several months.
Many of you have likely already heard that Elliana Joyce Stelzig was born on May 31 at 5:50 AM. She was 8 lbs. 7oz. and 19 1/2 in. long. Lindsey and Ellie are doing well. Gabe is very excited to be a big brother and loves to “help” take care of his baby sister. Please pray for us as we raise Gabe and Ellie to love and serve the Lord, and please pray that they would both be saved at an early age.
Over the last couple of months we have been very busy with meetings. We have driven thousands of miles, made hundreds of phone calls and made many friends along the way. One of the most rewarding things about deputation is meeting believers from so many different places and making friends who we know are praying for us faithfully.
It has also been exciting to see many churches partner with our ministry financially over the last several months. We just reached 56% of our needed monthly support and are excited to see how the Lord will continue to provide as we prepare to reach inner-city Boston for Christ.
For the remainder of June we have a more relaxed schedule as we adjust to life with Ellie. We still have several meetings in June and hope you will pray that the Lord would bless those meetings.
In July our schedule picks up and is pretty packed through the end of the year. Please pray that the Lord would give us wisdom as we manage our travel schedule with a newborn that likes to eat and a toddler that has a ton of energy to play. We try not to provoke our children to wrath by over exerting them or driving too long without enough breaks. This takes patience for me as I do not like to stop along the way.
Thank you again for all of your support and prayers. We are so honored and humbled to have so many praying friends and to have a part in the ministry of so many churches along the way.
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, I am glad that you sent me this email and I watched the video presentation of your ministry to Boston, MA. I wish that I could get the DD card but this is the first email letter that you have sent me. I do rejoice that your support is up to 56% and will ask God to increase it to 100% in His timing for I know that His timing is perfect! Please keep these updates coming and I will be praying for anything that you want prayer for. I didn’t know about your children and congratulations on the birth of Lilli and Gabe looks like that he will be the best big brother that he can be. I will be praying that Lilli will find a way to sleep through the night as soon as possible! Know that prayers will continue to be going up for you all until we all hear the “SHOUT”!!!!!!!!!
Congratulation to you on your baby.
Congratulations on the new in addition to you family. We are new start up church in Fishersville VA.
The name of the church is Lighthouse Baptist. I believe you know our Pastor Mark Finch. We now support 6 missionaries but we are gathering information on other missionaries and we highlight a different missionary in our bulletin every and this list is where we will select our missionaries to support.
Will be looking forward to hear what God is doing in Boston.
What a beautiful gift that the Lord has given The Stelzig family…May you stay true to him every step of the way…Many prayers are following you..