Dear Praying Friends,
Since our last prayer letter many exciting things have happened. We have been in 19 different churches, driven over 8,000 miles, and the Lord has provided nine more percent of our needed financial support. This brings us to 15% of our needed support. We praise the Lord that in traveling as far north as the Canadian border and as far south as Oklahoma He has kept us safe. Watching the Lord provide has by far been the most exciting part of full- time deputation. We are reminded time and time again of the Lord’s promises to provide, and get the privilege of watching the Lord keep his promises time and time again in very practical ways.
In December and January the majority of our meetings were in New England. This was a special blessing as it allowed us to spend some time surveying the inner-city Boston neighborhoods. Having now driven and walked all over inner-city Boston, we have been burdened with a greater urgency of the need of the Boston area for Bible- believing churches. On a drive through inner-city Boston in January Lindsey and I both noted that with every mile we drove, there was a need for another church. I wish you all could have listened to the many testimonies of the people we met in the churches we were in that were either from, or had family in inner-city Boston, who have been praying for years for someone to plant a church in these neighborhoods. This has motivated us to pray more fervently that the Lord would send forth more laborers into this needy harvest field.
In January I had the privilege to attend a church planter’s conference at Heartland Baptist Bible College in Oklahoma City, OK. Through that meeting the Lord provided aprox. $5,000 for us to purchase a new (to us) minivan. On February 1 we picked up our 2005 Chrysler Town and Country. This vehicle has already been a huge blessing as it has given us more space for luggage which allows me to see out of the back window when we have all of our things loaded. It also allows Lindsey to get in the back with Gabe and feed him on the road which means less stops and much happier, less fussy trips for Gabe.
On February 3-7 we had the opportunity to be in our sending church’s mission’s conference. This was a huge blessing as we got to see friends we hadn’t seen in a while. We are so thankful to be members of such a missions minded church. We are thankful for the way that our church spoils its missionaries and are humbled by the honor of being sent out of Maranatha Baptist Church in Yorktown, VA for the ministry of church-planting.
We so appreciate your continued prayers for safety in travel, that the Lord would give us strength through the busyness of deputation, and that “the Lord would send forth laborers into his harvest”.
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