Violet Claire was born on September 30 at 4:49AM. She was 8lb. 13oz. and 21″. Lindsey and Violet are doing well.
As you can see from the pictures, the kids are very excited to have a baby sister. Please pray for her safety.
We appreciate your faithful support of our ministry and prayers for our family as we adjust to life with 4 kids, and remember what is like to be in baby mode, again.
We will have an update on the ministry in the next few weeks, but we wanted to share this exciting announcement with those who had not heard.
Cathie Taylor says
Beautiful family! Congratulations on the birth of your newest little girl. So glad everyone is fine. Thank you for sharing the photos. Will share this post with other prayer partners. Blessings and hugs
Jim & Cathy Feyrer says
Praise the Lord for your growing family, and rich days to come!
Patricia Holmes says
Congratulations! She is precious!
Lucinda Bedwell says
Congratulations! Stay safe!
Gracelyn Beaulieu says
What a blessing to hear that Violet is healthy! What a sweet looking little girl. Thank you for the pictures.
Derek Banks says
Amen!!! Congratulations to you guys. Praying for your recovery Lindsey, and pray you stay the course of God’s direction for your lives and He strengthen you in your mind and heart as you serve Him in Boston!
Nina Caldwell says
What a blessing!
Karen Brandt (Faith Baptist—NC) says
How wonderful God is to give you another precious little girl to raise up in His love and grace. May the days ahead be a lifelong blessing from our Lord.